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When we say JetLAG is about Good Music — and we have always said that — we don’t limit “music” to its narrow meaning. For all the sages of sound, from Pythagoras to Bach, music is a synonym for the beauty of cosmic order, the symphonia of creation.
This brings us to the concept of Euphonia. Sounds much like Euphoria — the spelling difference is less than a letter. But meaning-wise, Euphonia is harmony, not elation; a pure joy, not fleeting ecstasy.
The word comes from Ancient Greek, the language Pythagoras spoke. “Eu” means good, well. “Phone” stands for sound, voice. “Euphonia” means a comforting, inspiring, uplifting synergy of sounds. The term can apply to all things melodic, musical, good-sounding. Its antonym is kakophonia, bad sound. And where there is Euphonia, there is no cacophony. Or if there is, it only supports beauty in its own way.
In the mid-19th century, composer Hector Berlioz imagined a city Euphonia, where music ruled, harmony was law, the conductor the soul. Around the same time, serendipitously, a talking machine Euphonia was created and exhibited—an awesome visual and acoustic installation. Featuring a human mask, it simulated our speech through a combination of piano, bellows, mechanical vocal organs. Euphonia is also the name of a beautiful, colorful bird celebrated for its sweet song. And JetLAG recalls all of these—a "city" where nature, culture, and technology blend in a single symphonia: Euphonia.
When we say JetLAG is about Good Music, we mean a world united by the beautiful power of harmony. We mean a space where sounds, vibes, rhythms foster unity, empathy, collective creativity, the spirit of encounter, joy, and love. We mean Euphonia.
Euphonia means good sound. Euphonia sounds good. You-phonia means you. You sound good. Welcome to the City of Music!
Welcome to EUPHONIA!
Welcome to JetLAG-2025!